2019 Legislator Report Cards
Just in time for back to school! How did your two state legislators (Senator and Representative) vote on parental rights?
How scores were determined:
- Legislators’ scores were determined based on how many times they voted with OKHPR divided by how many opportunities they had to vote in favor of medical privacy, health choice, parental rights, and informed consent.
- If a legislator was excused from a vote or didn’t vote in committee, they were given 1/3 credit for that missed vote.
xxxxxxxxxxxxBonus Points and Deductions
- Legislators that authored supportive OKHPR bills were given 10 extra credit points added to their final score.
- Legislators that coauthored supportive OKHPR bills and hadn’t already received bonus points for authoring a bill were given 5 extra credit points added to their final score.
- Legislators that authored opposing OKHRP bills were deducted 10 points from their final score.
- Legislators that coauthored opposing OKHPR bills were deducted 5 points from their final score if they hadn’t already been deducted for authoring an opposing bill.
- * Legislators that allowed supportive OKHPR bills to be read in committee or on the floor were given 5 bonus points.
- ** Legislators that blocked supportive OKHPR bills from being read in committee or on the floor were deducted 5 points from their final score.
We picked bills that we felt best represented parental rights, health choice, medical privacy, and informed consent.
House Votes
Senate Votes
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