Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Parental Rights & Health Freedom - 2019 Legislature

2019 Legislator Report Cards

Just in time for back to school! How did your two state legislators (Senator and Representative) vote on parental rights?
How scores were determined:
  • Legislators’ scores were determined based on how many times they voted with OKHPR divided by how many opportunities they had to vote in favor of medical privacy, health choice, parental rights, and informed consent.
  • If a legislator was excused from a vote or didn’t vote in committee, they were given 1/3 credit for that missed vote.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

The 2019 Trump Index - by Sooner Tea Party

August 11th 2019 Newsletter
Chickens Coming Home to Roost
The 2019 Oklahoma Trump Index is Out
On Monday I was having a conversation with a couple of activists about Dean Davis, the drunken state legislator recently arrested again for DUI in Tulsa County. They two were worried about losing “one of the good ones” and were quite shocked when I pointed out that Drunken Dean's annual score on the Trump Index was a mere five points, 18 out of 19 of his votes were wrong. They had supported his campaign, thought he was a nice man and a conservative only to find out he had totally betrayed their trust.
But you just don't know if you don't look at their voting records and do the work to research and tally the index. It is a lot of work, 19 votes, 149 legislators, 26,961 individual votes to record but we have some low cost labor overseas that does an excellent job on this sort of work.
And as usual we find out just how liberal and corrupt Oklahoma Republican legislators can continue to vote. The Democrats have also pulled away from supporting the slim conservative Republican faction as well, mainly because there are now so few that even a coalition has any power. RINO Republicans ruled this session and the scores prove that.

Friday, August 9, 2019

2019 Conservative Index

The Oklahoma Constitution presents the 41st annual Oklahoma Conservative Index, rating our state legislators. Members of each house of the Oklahoma Legislature were rated on ten key votes. A favorable vote on these issues represents a belief in conservative principles.

After taking suggestions from conservative leaders, the staff of the Oklahoma Constitution submitted proposed bills to a vote of the membership of the Oklahoma Conservative Political Action Committee (OCPAC) to determine the ten key votes. The legislators were rated based on their votes on bills which included such issues as protecting free speech, protecting the right to keep and bear arms, protecting life, obstructing overbearing government regulations, against subsidizing businesses, and in opposition to revisionist history.


Four legislators, two in the House and two in the Senate, scored a perfect 100% conservative rating this year. House members scoring 100% were Tom Gann of Inola, and Jim Olsen of Roland. Senators scoring 100% were Mark Allen of Spiro, and Nathan Dahm of Broken Arrow.